No farm like yours.
No seeds like ours.

From seed to supply chain solutions.

PURIS growers
Farmer with Pea Seeds in hands

The one-seed-fits-all model isn’t serving anyone well

We believe growers deserve better choices. PURIS seeds are adapted to the unique conditions of our partner farms, naturally bred for superior yield and disease resistance while leaving soil healthier than it started. 

PURIS grower planting seeds

Why grow with PURIS?

We provide the seed and support to grow successful non-GMO crops, establish regenerative growing practices, and navigate organic certification.

With total production contracts personalized to the needs of each farm, we buy back those crops to make our ingredients and innovative foods.

The PURIS Grower’s Program

Looking to plant with a purpose? We are committed to helping every grower seize a growing opportunity in plant-based foods. That’s why we provide end-to-end partnerships as a sustainable foundation for successful crops, healthy profits, and a healthier future.

How our Grower’s Program works

Step 1
Select your seed
35 years of non-GMO breeding has led PURIS to create resilient and high-yielding varieties of pea and soy that thrive around the globe.
Step 2
Minimize your risks
We strive to meet each farm’s needs by offering financing options and technical support.
Step 3
Build your network
Community helps growers flourish. PURIS hosts plot days throughout the summer, designed to provide a chance to connect, share, and learn alongside PURIS experts and regenerative agriculture leaders.
Step 4
Contracted Production
PURIS buys back its grower’s yield at competitive prices, offering reliable, predictable revenue you can count on.
Step 5
Plan for next season
PURIS is available to help design plans for your next growing season. Whether you want to transition to organic, strategize cash crops, or implement cover crops for winter grains, PURIS pros are here to help you achieve year-round success.

Why yellow
field peas?

Yellow Field Peas, Pisum Sativum, are an edible dry-seeded legume (also known as a pulse).
And there are a few characteristics that make them unique.

Less water, less work
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Less water, less work

Yellow field peas are a sustainable choice for modern agriculture. Their remarkable water efficiency makes them an environmentally responsible option for crop rotations. These peas require less water to thrive, helping conserve this precious resource while yielding a high-quality product. By incorporating yellow field peas into your farming practices, you not only bolster your crop rotation but also contribute to more sustainable and water-conscious agriculture.

Improve your soil
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Improve your soil

Field peas benefit from “nitrogen fixation,” a symbiotic relationship between the pea’s root system, nitrogen in the air, and bacteria in the soil. Bacteria convert nitrogen into fertilizer, creating continuous nourishment for the soil and whatever’s planted in it. It’s why these peas are used in crop rotations to revitalize land that’s been depleted by other crops.

PURIS pea roots
Feed the world
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Feed the world

PURIS Pea ingredients can deliver the sustainable nutrition we need to support an estimated 10 billion people by 2050. What other plant can do that?


PURIS soybean seeds

For farmers looking to try food-grade soybean production, PURIS can help you enter new markets and build sustainable profits.

Ready to get your hands on PURIS seeds?